How to Deliver An Impressive Dissertation Presentation?

Deliver Dissertation Presentation

Students often concentrate more on the writing part of the dissertation and give less importance to the presentation of the dissertation. The writing of a dissertation is a long and difficult part and uses all of the efforts and energy of the students. And at the end when it’s presentation time students are so much tired and exhausted that they do not give the required time and effort to the presentation of the dissertation. No doubt, that dissertation writing is the main part, but the importance of presentation cannot be ignored. If students do not focus properly on presentation it makes all their research and writing efforts go waste. Similarly, if there is something less in their writing or research part, they can cover this gap through an impressive presentation. But how exactly a dissertation presentation can make impressive?

Purpose of the Presentation of Dissertation:

According to dissertation writing services, in many universities, students are expected to present their dissertation in the mid of their research for demonstrating their progress on their research work and get advice or feedback on their work from fellow students and faculty members. It helps them to make the required changes and correct the mistakes in their dissertation based on the feedback given by students and instructors. Sometimes, the presentation of the dissertation is also considered as the dissertation defense that is given after the completion of the dissertation. This presentation is given formally and presented to supervisors, examiners, and fellow students only. In this presentation, students have to defend their research work and have to prove that their research work is right has contributed something to academics.

Components of the Presentation of Dissertation:

For dissertation presentation, students have to include the following elements in their presentation;

  1. The subject area under which their research work falls
  2. The topic of their research
  3. Existing research work on this topic with the details including the strength and gaps in these research work.
  4. The strength of their research work or the gap that their research work will cover
  5. Importance or impact of their research work
  6. Research methodology they have chosen for their dissertation and how this is the right methodology to choose
  7. Resources they have used for gathering information and completing their dissertation
  8. Case studies
  9. Practical fieldwork or lab research
  10. Results and findings of their research work and its impact on their studies

Preparation of Dissertation Presentation:

Many students think that in presentation, they only have to present the summary of their dissertation. The presentation is not a summary, in the presentation, you have to defend every point of the dissertation. Before making the presentation, first, you have to analyze and review your whole work properly. When you are going to make the presentation you already have the final copy of your dissertation in your hand. From the first step till the last, you have to note down the key decisions and steps that were important in shaping your dissertation. For doing this follow the below-mentioned step

Review Each Section Of The Dissertation:

Note down the most important part of each section. For example, from the methodology section note down what methodology you have used, why you choose it, and what are the main features and benefits of this methodology. Similarly, from the results and findings section, note down what are your results and their impact on your dissertation is, and how they will be beneficial for your field of study. After noting down the key points of each section you have to move towards making the PowerPoint presentation.

PowerPoint Presentation:

Normally a PowerPoint presentation is used for a formal presentation. The presentation should be formal, informative, and succinct. Choose a formal background of slides. The font size and color must be formal and readable.

What to Include in PowerPoint Slides?

First of all, make an outline on the PowerPoint that should be similar to the outline of your dissertation. When the presentation is based on the outline of your dissertation it will cover the content of your whole dissertation and make the presentation inclusive. Each slide of the presentation must be informative, deliver complete information, but it must not be too wordy. Present the main points in the form of bullets. Including flow charts, graphs, or smart art will help to present complete information in a more precise way. Flow charts, graphs, diagrams, or smart art are helpful when you have to present data or results. After making the PowerPoint presentation, practicing it and rehearsing it very important. Your slides must be in chronological order.

Pre-Presentation Checklist:

Before presenting your dissertation, make sure that the mic and projector are working. Check the adjustment and brightness of the projector. If you have to attach your laptop with the projector make sure it is fully charged and you have its charger in case of need. If you have to attach the USB with the projector then ensure that it is virus-free and check it before your presentation starts.

Steps to follow during the Presentation:

  1. Formally start your presentation.
  2. Your voice must be clear and audible to everyone.
  3. Make eye contact with the audience during the presentation
  4. Stand still in a formal way.
  5. Do not read the slides or notes. You can use flashcards for help. When you have a clear understanding of your research work and topic you will not need to use notes or read the slides. You will likely remember the whole content.
  6. Do not rush your words.
  7. Presentations required professional behavior with a cool and focused attitude
  8. When someone from the audience is questioning you, listen to him carefully and attentively and give objective and professional answers. Do not get into debates with the questioner.

Question Answer Session:

At the end of every presentation, there is a question-answer session in which the supervisor, examiner, and students can ask you questions. You must prepare yourself for this part. During practice, you can ask yourself what kind of question the audience can ask you, and what answer you should prepare for it? Mostly the questions are about your choice of a certain methodology, the impact of your research on current studies, and an explanation of any specific terminology or technology you have used. Always end your presentation with a thank you note.