When you are studying in a college or university, you might have to do an internship. The prime purpose of this is to help you to gain professional life experience. It is a learning opportunity, so it will help you to develop professional skills. So, it will help you to know the professional skills you have developed when you are working in a company. An internship report is a summary of your internship experience. It will help you to reflect on your learning experience in any organization. It will allow you to apply your knowledge and skills in real-life scenarios. But, you may commit several mistakes when you are writing an internship report. You should make sure to avoid those mistakes. Avoiding these mistakes will help you to show a good learning experience.
This article aims to discuss an internship report writing mistakes. As an intern, you should avoid these mistakes in your report. So, let’s discuss some of the most common internship report writing mistakes in detail:
Title Page:
One of the major mistakes in internship report writing is missing the title page. Most of the time, interns will fail to add a title page in their internship reports. You should not forget to add a title page to your internship report. It is as important as your whole report. It is the page that will help you write basic information for your internship program. It will help you to convey the basic information about the company too. Your title page will convince the reader to read your internship report. If you manage to impress your reader with your title page, he will read the full report. So, you should not forget to add a title page to your report and make it interesting.
Another major mistake in an internship report is experience. An intern should make sure to write his internship experience in his report. Most of the time, an intern will completely forget to add this section to his report. In this section of the report, he will explain all the details about his internship. It will also help him to explain how he used his skills in real-life scenarios. Apart from this, it will also help him to tell which skills he learned. So, make sure to write the experience section in your internship report. It will help you to increase the credibility of your report.
Object, Scope and Highlights:
It is another major mistake an intern may make in his report. The CEO of law essay writing service firm said that he may fail to write the objective and scope of his internship. Apart from this, he may fail to provide the highlights of his internship tenure. The objective of an internship is to prepare for a particular job. So, you should not forget to mention the objective of your internship. The scope of an internship is to enable you to gain experience. So, you should make sure to write the scope of your internship too. You should also not forget to provide the highlights of your internship period.
You should add the learning experience of your internship period. The milestone of an internship period is to help you to earn certain credits for your degree. You should not forget to mention the milestone of your internship. These are the credits you should mention in your report. Your department will approve these credits against your internship report.
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Missing References:
You should not forget that an internship report is also an academic task. If you want to earn credits and grades for your internship, you should write it as per the format. You should also provide the references in your report. Apart from this, you should create a reference list at the end of your report. It will help you to support your arguments. It will also help you to impress your reader with your exceptional writing skills.
Internship Report Format:
Another major mistake that you should avoid is not following the format. There is always a sequence and format to write any report. If you are missing the structure of the internship report, you will end up in big trouble. You should make sure to follow the sequence. It will help you to present a good report. You will create a title page and table of content. Apart from this, you will write background information about your internship place. You will also write about your position and responsibilities as an intern. So, you must follow the format of internship report writing.
Plagiarism is an academic offence, and as an academic, you should avoid it. Most of the time, students will end up submitting a plagiarized report. They will download the report from the internet and change the necessary information. But, you should write and submit your own report. It will also help you to learn new things. It will also help you to reflect on your complete learning experience in a report. If you end up presenting a plagiarized report, you might fail your internship course.
Formatting Mistakes:
Apart from following the sequence of report writing, you should follow the instructions. As an intern, you might forget to consider the formatting instructions. You should write your report as per font style and size. You should make sure to write headers and sub-headers as per the instructions. If you are adding references, you should follow the reference style too.
When you are in college, you might have to do an internship. After the completion of the internship period, you have to submit a report to assignment writing services firm. It is a report that will help you to explain your learning experience. It will also help you to explain how you used your learning and professional skills. Apart from this, you will tell how much you learnt in your internship period. When you are writing an internship report, you should avoid mistakes. This article discussed some of the major mistakes of the internship report. So, you should make sure to avoid them. Avoiding these mistakes will help you to write a good internship report.